16 November 2011

Shoot and reshoot

After reviewing my images I knew I had to go back, and for quite a few days I was up at 5am shooting, and then again at 7pm, hoping for that golden light. Some times were quite depressing, the light wasn't quite right, or I had forgotten something, such as a remote shutter release.

I added Mt Eden into the mix to see if I could build on my shots of lines, maybe a path might present itself, or a cityscape at night. I liked what I could do with the long exposures and the way light and movement can be captured.

Here is an image at night, maybe something I could work with.

I was lucky with this shot, the end of day was drizzly and overcast, but it meant that the clouds were very low. This shot of the path was taken around 6pm and you could see the low clouds drifting over the path.

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