29 August 2011

Global community

Of course all this looking for community is being done by me withing the largest community our civilization has even known, the Internet. Millions of computers across the entire globe link billions of humans into the biggest, most diverse community we have ever created. If we define how evolved me are by how complex our communities are, then we are at the pinnacle of our existence.

Yet, with our need to belong, and our desire for closeness I wonder if this is a good thing. We form relationships with people we will never be able to touch, or smell, or taste. if these relationships become the basis for our communites, then eventually society will collapse. We need to connect with others at our own energetic level, not that defined by the electricity of a computer.

The guy in this photo is retired, he goes to Cornwall Park almost every morning to enjoy his cup of tea, he is part of the community that is Cornwall Park. Meeting someone and getting up close and personal rejuvenates the soul, and is what community is for. So although the Internet has done wonderful things to bring humanity together, it is the being together that is important.

1 comment:

Meighan Ellis said...

Stunning, strong portrait!