26 April 2011

Exhibition design

The format of the exhibition is taking shape. The plan is to tell a story of four cafes in Christchurch that have been devastated by the earthquake. These are Lyttelton Coffee Company, C1, Under the Red Verandah, and Rhombus.

Each will have their own display with photos and a story about how they have survived the quake. I want to be able to tell their stories as Niki and I have an affinity with the hardship they are going through. We met these guys and know how passionate they are about their places, so telling their story is important.

I have been in contact with them and love to hear their determination, Rhombus is selling coffee again, even though they have a sticker, you just have to enjoy it on the foot path. Lyttelton Coffee want to be up and running by October, go guys....

Website up

Hi everyone, the website is finally up and you can see it at www.pukuproductions.co.nz

You may look at it and say that its simple, yet elegant, and you would be right. Yet it took three weeks to get that look. Slide shows, making pages look and feel the same, and then uploading. I'm an artist and don't want to be involved in the technical, but twenty years in computers comes in handy sometimes.

More soon.

5 April 2011

Colour and Costs

Well I think I understand colour work flow, the difference between what I see with my eye, what the camera catches with the lens and sensor, what the monitor displays and finally the photo that comes off the printer. Of course each part of the process has its won unique way that it manages colour, and the trick is to get them all working in harmony. This is what will need to happen for the exhibition.

And on costs, I visited a photo lab the other day, who gave me a price of $55 per A4 image, so you can imagine if I print 30 A4 it starts to get real expensive. This is where Epson come in, they will be helping me get this cost down... Stay tuned