19 November 2010

Thursday 18th - Day 2

So woke up in the boat with the day stretching out in front of us. We made a decision to not do the Hu hu Cafe. Not because it isn't fabulous, because it is but because it is a restaurant and thats not what we are doing. After breakfast at the Morepork cafe,( not a book favourite) we went into Otorohanga to do a bit of food shopping and stumbled upon a gem of a cafe for the book. Origins Coffee Station. Owned by Roger and Liz originally from Malawi, this is a roastery and espresso bar in the Otorohanga railway station. Great coffee and space to be in. The first for the new book.

Back to Waitomo for the kiwi culture show at Billy Blacks, also where we happened to be staying. Fantastic show created by Barry and he now travels with it for corporate events, kids and others. A man with an ambition and the drive to make it happen. We met Jonah the rugby playing motorbike riding pig. He was very friendly and kids loved him. Ben did the show and between the explosions, dogs, donkey, sheep, moonwalking pig and us participating we had a ball. Mika and Ethan helped shear sheep, Ruby was front and centre at the feeding station for the show animals and Matthew did his bit for the milling industry on one end of a two man saw.
Really worth going to see if you are in the area. Do the show stay in a plane or hobbit dwelling and spend some time with the hosts. Shirley, Barry and Ben made our time there fantastic.

Another trip back to Otorohanga for the chiropractor for Matthew and then on to the Glow worm caves. Deep in the earth and onto a boat to explore the grotto. The highlight for me was Ruby singing in the ampitheatre style cave in front of the whole guided group.

Monopoly, cadoo and dinner completed the day. Onward to Blue Duck station tomorrow.

Night night


Anonymous said...

what did she sing?

Anonymous said...

what did she sing?