21 January 2010

The Fawlty Towers of Ponsonby

On New Years we didn’t have the children so we decided to go for coffee. We strolled along Ponsonby road and not much was open. We ended up at what used to be an old favourite, and where we recently had good coffee. There were a few people inside with a good vibe. We ordered our soy flat white and watched the Fawlty Towers episode unfold. There some grumblings of complaints about the coffee delay, more people came in and the delays got longer. There were three people working, the guy sort of in the kitchen, but just in the background, chewing gum and for the life of us we couldn’t figure what he was supposed to be doing. Then there was the woman who wondered around dazed from the night before.

But the piece de resistance was the Barista. He was a young Japanese man, very talkative, and paid great attention to the detail of making the coffee. This proved to be a bad combination because when someone talked to him he stopped making coffee and started a chat session. If they complained he sympathised and tried to fix it. While this happened the list of coffees got longer. Oh, he had to deliver them as well. . It wasn’t long before we started to cringe. I told Niki “it can’t be too long”. She replied “see those women sitting outside, they are still waiting from before we went down the road for sushi. It got worse, customers came and told the barista they would never come back, and he started another conversation. Niki offered to help, but they just looked at us blankly.

I enjoyed the 40 minute show, but luckily the coffee was good. If it hadn’t been I would be naming the café… but I can forgive one mistake ……..Matthew

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