26 December 2010

Sunday the 19th December

The next day it is still bloody hot, but we are taking a day off. Niki, Mika and Ruby are staying in a Hotel, and Ethan and I are at mums. It feels a little weird as mum is now living with Desmond so the dynamic is different. Still I can see they are like little kids in love, and that's got to be good in your eighties. Today is a day to catch up with my sister before she goes to Auckland and take Ethan and Max to see the latest Harry Potter movie. We get lost trying to find it and end up being late and at the wrong cinema. Of course serendipity is with us and at this cinema it starts later so we are just in time.

The movie is the darkest yet, but we all enjoy it. Ethan and I have grown up with Harry, and I am impressed that the story has been able to go for so long in a series of movies, and still be a good story, can't wait for the finale next year.

Tomorrow we start cafes again...

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