26 December 2010

Wednesday the 22nd of December

The three of us vist UTRV, yes you need to figure out what this means. Ruby makes a new friend in the cafe, bother the barista and her are wearing the same top, this makes them practically sisters. They get on like a hosue on fire and it isn't long before they are pcikign cherries outside together. Ruby gets a job helping around the cafe, and learns how to fold napkins, ending up with her first pay check...

We see the devastation that the earthquake has caused, it almost seems random, one place completely fine, the next with walls missing. Of course the randomness is more to do with how we build. I suspect you could tracke a route that the quake took, I wonder if this would make a good drawing. We see vacant lots, buildings surrounded by fences, the company renting fences is doign well. We hear of a green bedford van that is setting up at vacant lots and putting out tables, chairs and pentonque. One minute it is a vacant lot, the next a cool place selling coffee. Natural disasters are what bring us together, and gives us opportunity to be creative.

By the end of the day we have too many cafes left to look at and need to shorten the list. Christchurch as a wonderful cafe culture and we don't wont to miss it...

Tomorrow off to Lyttleton, we have heard good things about a cafe there.

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