6 October 2011

Thursday - the light comes on

Here are the images I chose to show for Friday.

This is starting to make a body of work but again I came unstuck, these would not make a series of 10 images that tell a story.

On Thursday I sat looking at the images trying to come up with an idea, something I could hook into that would give me the impetus to carry on. Meighan suggested I storyboard the 10 shots and that they could be a grouped going top to bottom, rather than left to right. This was the visualisation that I needed, it all fell into place. I would take parts of dolls, and thsi would make up a doll. Imagine 10 images, two across and five down. The top two will be eyes, the next two noses, the next mouth, the next hands or clothes, and last clothes or feet.

I have a plan, I can see the final product....

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