1 August 2011

Thursday 28th

I was standing at the bus stop looking at a tree, and I thought how could I make a shot, the tree real close and the church behind, if all in focus then make a photo.

But even at F16 (the maximum my lens will go) and focusing just behind the tree I would not be able to get both things in focus. The distance between the two is too great to have the depth of field cover them. Then I remembered when I was looking telephoto lens and how they had a maximum aperture of 30. Yes If I had one of these then maybe I could get the shot.

On the precious assignment I realise what is precious to me, and what for me photography is all about. What is precious to me is those moments of creative spark, and when they are captured in an image. That moment in time when I make a connection that becomes frozen in time with a photograph. The object that is being photographed is secondary , it is the connection to it that I try to capture.

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