2 September 2011

Friday research

A little browsing of environmental portraits and I come across the Arnold Newman Archive site. I see a lot of photos and a couple stand out for me. This one isn't very large and I can't find a high res one. What I love about the image is the casualness of JFK's stance which is set against the rising columns of power.

The strong lines of the columns offset the portrait of JFK and make this exquisite, the strong lines of the columns that signify power that contrast the relaxed pose of JFK the power of a president.

You can find this image by Arnold Newman at the following addresshttp://www.arnoldnewmanarchive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8&Itemid=9

I also saw a close up of Pablo Picaso and he has such a lovely face, I didn't realise that he was so current and had only died in 1973, I was alive while he was painting, I wish I had met him.

My final bit of exploring is a book I find in the Auckland library called Twilight. It is a book with photos by Gregory Crewdson. As i am going off doing my research of images on the Internet I will go and get this book over the weekend. Here is one of his images.

Look at the composition, the thought given to the subjects, and oh the light, just lovely

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