10 September 2011

Portfolio - Portrait

While I was exploring Cornwall park early on a Saturday morning I cam across a man sitting in his van and having a cup of tea. I asked if i could photography him and he said yes. I decided to be low, lying on the ground and shooting up at him. We had a good connection and as our rapore blossomed I got some nice close up shots.

The difficulty with the shot was to decided where I should set my exposure to, the darks or the lights. With such a strong contrast it was a challenge. I ended up with a shot that I liked, but the my subject's face was very dark.

This is where Photoshop came in and saved the day. Admittedly Meighan showed me most of it, and I would not have thought to look where she did, but I live and learn.

Here is the enhanced shot, hopefully you can't tell that it has been changed, that is the art of using Photoshop, to make it look like you didn't.

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